Scrollbox Form
Display at bottom right corner of the screen.
A scroll-box form can be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen. Trigger percentage can be selected for the form meaning the form will show when a certain percentage of the page has been scrolled.
Display at bottom left corner of the screen.
Scrollbox form can be displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen with scroll percentage trigger. This display criteria comes in handy specially for websites using languages which are RTL.
Other available options
A scroll-box form can be set to disappear when the user scrolls back up, continue displaying when the user scrolls back up and Hide duration set to 0 days to ensure the form is always shown to a visitor unless they subscribe in which case the form won't show again.
Why Scrollbox form
This form type can be extremely effective on blog posts where a visitor has a scrolled down your blog post or your content, has peeked interest and now the Scrollbox form is displayed at just the right moment.
Why Scrollbox form
If a user has scrolled down it means they are engaged in your content and primed to subscribe and displaying a Scrollbox form now would have a high likelihood of converting this visitor into a subscriber.